The admin member on a Team plan will be able to add other team members to the Frase account. To add team members, click your name in the top left and then "Settings".
Then click "Team" tab on the left and "Invite members" button on the right.
On the Team Plan, you'll be able to have 3 users in total on the account including yourself, but each user invited after that will cost an extra $25 a month. So make sure if you invite someone, that person accepts the invite, or if not accepted, click the trash can icon to delete the "invited user".
If the invited person isn't seeing the invite email come through on the first invite, and if it's not appearing in Spam, try deleting the user from Frase's Team page and inviting again. Reach out via this form if there are any further issues, notably if you receive a popup saying the user is already registered in our system.
Note: once the invite is accepted to be a part of the Team, the user can create their own documents, or if you want to make certain documents in Team visible to the user, make sure the user is added to the folders where those documents reside.