Automated Content Brief

After creating a document, click the "Research" tab on the right-side panel and then click the "Auto Brief" button as shown in the screenshot below.

The brief's information is compiled from the content of the "results processed" in the Research tab (top 20 Google sources by default, though these results can be edited as seen on this page). As shown in the list and screenshot below, there are the following options to include in your brief:

  1. Guidelines: Provides an overview of the sources used to generate the content brief, including average word count, header, links, images ect.
  2. People Also Ask: Related questions from Google (based on your query) pulled from Frase's research toolbar.
  3. SERP: Summarizes the top 20 results on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). 
  4. Topics: List of most important topics mentioned across sources.
  5. Topic Clusters: List of overarching topics and their subtopics (from Frase's Topic Score tab).
  6. Headers: Relevant headers from your competitors' content. Helpful for getting ideas on how to structure your H2/H3.
  7. Questions: Questions being asked in competitors' content that are related to your document.
  8. Statistics: Sentences mentioning statistics and factual information across sources.
  9. Hyperlinks: External links across the sources

In-line quick paste

Instead of overwriting the "Content Brief" tab and pasting several sections at once into the editor, you can also paste sections 1-by-1 into the editor by clicking the plus icon that appears on an empty line, then holding your cursor over "Insert SERP Data" (screenshot below). Selecting any of the following options will paste that Automated Brief section into your editor where the cursor is located.