AI Draft

To write an AI Draft, the first step would be to click the "Outline" tab and gather headers; there will be 3 options available:

  1. Select Headings from Search Results (learn more about SERP Explorer on this page)
  2. Generate Headings with AI
  3. Paste your own headings

Once you have gathered the headings you want to write about, click the "Instructions" button.

In the next window, there will be an ability to write instructions that hold for the entire article ("Article instructions"), or instructions by header ("Instructions per header") for the AI Draft. 

Clicking "Write instructions with AI" button will start writing bulleted instructions for the first header and keeps writing instructions (header-by-header) down the list. Each section will include topics from the "Optimize" tab to ensure the draft ends up being SEO-optimized.

You can edit the instructions to change the angle the AI writes about, or to include specific points that the AI may not pick up on (statistics, company information, events, ect.). Clicking "Generate Draft" button will then start to insert paragraphs into your editor to form a draft of your article.